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Posted 30 April 2019 by
Joachim Lasoen
VP Solution for Binocs Technology

Binocs Performance Twin -  The dashboard platform for QC performance KPIs

Binocs Performance Twin for QC

The need for one QC performance KPI platform

What gets measured gets managed — Lord Kelvin

  • QC Management needs to have a bird’s-eye view on operational and compliance related KPIs
  • QC performance KPIs need to show the past (what’s been executed) and the future (what’s scheduled/planned). In other words, there’s a need for backward and forward-looking KPIs
  • Way too often a labor-intensive manual process exists to combine multiple (Excel) files to construct these KPIs or different reporting tools need to be used to get the only part of the needed insights.

We realized that Binocs, our QC resource planning and scheduling tool, is uniquely positioned to provide the backward and forward-looking QC performance KPIs on all management levels in one system. This is due to the following reasons:

  • Test info: The QC LIMS system is interfaced to Binocs (as demand source to schedule technicians and equipment). Because of this link, Binocs automatically knows the testing backlog and is triggered when retests are needed.
  • Planned workload: The Binocs schedule contains all the info needed for forward-looking KPIs (planned utilization, planned run fill rates,…)
  • Non-testing work and unavailabilities are added directly in the Binocs schedule. No need for Excel files/templates.
  • Execution actuals: Technicians track progress via the Binocs schedule (actual hours, when was this performed). Based on this data Binocs automatically calculates turnaround times, actual delivery dates, adherence to schedule, ….

Enter the Binocs Performance Twin

The past months we have been working on the Binocs performance twin. Running on the Binocs platform it’s the one place to have an overview of the QC performance KPIs:

  • A bird’s eye KPI view on all management levels (with built-in drill-down features)
  • An out of the box set of KPI dashboards specifically designed for QCs, created in co-creation with leading pharmaceutical clients such as Pfizer, GSK, Merck, UCB and many others.
  • Built-in evolution tracking and visualization
  • Powerful engine to calculate the KPIs automatically. If needed, the calculation rules can be adapted in Binocs
  • Fully configurable. The configuration of targets, different visualizations, but also the possibility to add extra data sources.
  • Based on one version of the truth (high-quality data)

Revealed during the Binocs user meeting (21–22nd of May)

During the Binocs user meeting, we will reveal the Binocs performance twin live on stage.

The dashboard platform for QC performance KPIs

Already curious for more?

  • In this blog, we explain and show screenshots of the QC KPI dashboards, so you understand exactly what to expect.
  • Interested to join the Binocs user event? Let’s contact with Binocs.
  • Want to discuss more in detail? We’re happy to have a chat.