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Posted 8 March 2019 by
Geert Vanhove
Co-Founder & EVP, Binocs

Short-staffed? Maximize scarce resources with knowledge resource planning

Scarce resources in organizations

There is a growing shortage of skilled knowledge workers, or “gold collar” workers. The inability to find and maintain enough engineers, programmers, systems designers, scientists and chemists is a serious threat to profitability and growth— especially for project-driven organizations in the information technology, pharmaceutical, and professional services industries.

John O’Neil describes how short-staffed organizations are dragged into the dysfunctional spiral. He recommends the knowledge resource planning Approach.

maximize resources

We discovered the article after we developed Binocs, but it is amazing how well our visions are aligned.


Happy reading: https://www.pmi.org/learning/library/knowledge-resource-planning-optimize-utilization-5071